If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org

We Need Your Help
Family, Friends, Co-Workers, & Support Systems.

We Need Your Help Today!
Committed To Working Against Teen & Young Adult Suicide.
Teen & Young Adult suicide has been on the rise and is now one of the leading causes of death among ages 15-24.
By working with the Central Florida community – family, friends, and co-workers of these young people – have the opportunity to prevent this from getting worse. Our mission is to provide resources and support to victims and the friends, family, and co-workers of victims. That's why we're asking you to take the pledge to become a Lifeguard today. Join our cause and educate yourself and others so that we can prevent suicides.

Did you know?
1 in 15 high school students reports attempting suicide each year.
Why We Need You
Parents, friends, and family members play a role in preventing suicide and supporting youth.
In our initiative to combat teen and young adult suicide – we are looking to bring awareness and change to our local Central Florida community. To do this, we need support to build a network of Lifeguards who are committed to educating, identifying, and preventing instances of suicide attempts.
Parents, guardians, family members, friends, teachers, school administrators, coaches, extracurricular activity leaders, mentors, service providers, and many others play a major role in reversing the culture of teen suicide.
Contact Us
Looking to get involved? Fill out this form to learn more.